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Showing posts from November, 2021

21st Century Learning

     In the 21st century with the development of technology, technological devices and internet became indispensable parts of our lives. And there is no doubt that technology has a pretty big role in education and learning. That's what I am going to be talking about in this post.       With technology, you can have a lot of options to make our learning experience better so why stick with old fashioned learning style in which a teacher talks and students just sit in silence and try to understand the lesson. We can integrate technological devices into our classes, that way the information learners need can be much easier to reach. Learning today is not just bound to school, you can learn anywhere you want, it is just one device away from you. Click for the source of the image      Although it is very useful in a learning session, technology can be very distracting, we need to use it correctly. If I were to share my opinion I would say it's being so easy to reach makes it easier t