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My Padlet Wall


    Hey everyone!! In this post, I will talk about the padlet wall I created and what it is about. First of all, let me tell you about padlet. Padlet is a platform where you can do collaborative projects with your friends, classmates, colleagues. In padlet, you share your ideas mostly in text form but you can also add pictures, videos, audio files, etc. . You can arrange the entries' position change background and that is all about padlet.

    My task is to create a KWL chart. Creating a KWL chart is a research strategy. The acronym stands for "What I Know," "What I Want to Know," and "What I Learned.". In the first step, you write down what you know about the research subject. In the second step, you decide what you want to learn about the subject and write it down. You do your research and you write about what you have learned about the research.

    We were supposed to do this in groups but due to some problems I was not able to join a group and I am doing it alone. My topic is unemployment in Turkey. This topic actually kind of scares me because I am going to have to start working in two years or so and it is a big problem that is why I chose this.

    Let's talk about padlet back again. We can use padlet in education in 21st-century learning. It lets people be creative, share their ideas, encourages them to do research, etc. As a teacher, you can easily control and use it too. Thank for reading, stay tuned!!

Check out my padlet entry


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